Released a new version of Citeck ECOS 3.7.0: easy-to-use

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Digital platform Citeck ECOS has been updated to version 3.7.0 in Enterprise and Community editions. Most of the updates concerned the easy-to-use of the platform and its appearance.

In 2019 we want to create a special ecosystem with the basic concept of business – effective process management. And we have planned make Citeck ECOS easy-to-use.

Total fixed more than 30 bugs. The system productivity has extremely increased due to numerous platform improvements in the new version.

  • Optimized new main popup menu style. Now menu item «Carrent Tasks» and «Subordinate Tasks» are tip on the number of case.
  • Improved work with Safari browser. All fields and data form areas are displayed correctly.
  • Optimized create user in organizational structure.
  • Dashlets «Create case» is separated into two parts: Main and Additional. In Main you can see Case kind, Number, Date, Initiator, Responsible, Note. In Additional you can see other items: Planned date, Amount, Currency.
  • Citeck offers a solution for making process effective. An easy-to-use editing BPMN process and Dynamic Case Management. Now business processes can be modeled in 5-6 clicks. For quick start-up process are standard case studies: сomplaint, work plan, requirement, customer’s address and other.

Create case_CiteckECOS

With Citeck ECOS you can execute your workflows and decisions in BPM/DCM engines, integrated with other applications for process automation.

The full list of updates can see in the project improvements.

download-community-version/”>Download Citeck ECOS Community.


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