New version of Citeck EcoS released
« BackThe year 2017 began with the latest release of Citeck Ecos software. Citeck Ecos is a system for managing business processes, cases and corporate content on the Alfresco platform. The solution is based on the Adaptive Case Management (ACM) principle. This approach complements and creates more opportunities for classical BPM-systems in order to solve a wider range of tasks. For more details about Citeck EcoS, please read the site.
The system productivity has extremely increased due to numerous platform improvements in the new version.
Version Сiteck EcoS Community 3.0.с RC1:
- Journals work is optimized;
- System work speed is optimized;
- Mobile version is improved;
- Functional of delegation and substitution is improved (the possibility to appoint the assistants, the response for automatic answering);
- Tabs for document edit form;
- New template for location of elements across the entire width of the page;
- Notifications of case and document changes;
- Notifications of changes in the document history;
- Filter work is improved (it concerns new components and speed);
- Drafts creation (saving with no checking required fields);
- Separate dashlet with a barcode for document card.
Citeck EcoS Community can also be downloaded from this document attributes;
- Authorization matrix for roles in the document;
- Authorization scale for choosing the document signer is added;
- EDS CryptoPro is improved;
- Integration with Dia doc Service;
- Import /export of case templates;
- Import/ export of business requirements in the case;
- Import /export of CSV files;
- Creation of simple type task within a short time;
- Possibility to add another agent for the document approving;
- Possibility to set dynamic roles in the case;
- Support of cluster configuration is optimized.
Besides that, the migration to Alfresco 5.1 is under way and the new version of Citeck EcoS will soon be available.
If you have any questions or you are interested in using the product, please contacts us here.