Alfresco Development
- Development;
- Support and consulting;
- System maintanence;
- Business processes development;
- Integration with other software;
- Design;
About us
Citeck has been engaged in developing on Alfresco since 2010. The company’s experts are widely experienced in developing, implementing and integrating information systems of various complexity. Over the years of working with Alfresco we have completed lots of challenging tasks. As a result we have gained extensive knowledge of development on Alfresco, and have also developed our own solution Citeck Enterprise Content and Case Management System.
Currently our Company has a separate subdivision engaged exclusively in development on Alfresco. Our Company employs a lot of skilled experts, including those with «Alfresco Certified Engineer» certificates.
Our projects
Here are some of the most interesting and challenging projects we have worked on:
Development of an Alfresco-based electronic archive for a logistics company with input stream arrangement and centralized storage of all cargo information. Cargo delivery is a case, and all participants, supporting documents, tasks and processes are the elements of the case.
Tender magenement system. This is a Case Management built solution where the procurement process consists of several stages, each of which has a mandatory set of elements and processes.
Loan Origination. This is a Case Management based solution. Each client and its cluster of features (solvency, availability of guarantors, family, gross income, etc.) are considered as a case to be resolved.
Meetings. The solution is designed to optimize meetings holding process. The meeting is a case. Members, tasks, documents, minutes, processes are the elements of the case.
Contract management. This solution was implemented in two variants. The first one is a simple document management system with a standard flows of approval, signing, etc. The second one is an enhanced Case Management based variant with project management features.
Additional information
In addition to developing unique solutions for clients we also develop our own Alfresco-based solution – Citeck Ecos. Currently it is available in two versions:
Free, available for download – Citeck Ecos Community
Subscription-based solution – Citeck Ecos Enterprise.